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As an integral hospital-support service, interacting with most of our patients, Astria Health hospital pharmacies exist and function out of concern for the health and well-being of our patients. The pharmacy staff strive to provide the most effective and safest drug therapy possible.

Astria Health pharmacy department staff members are committed to providing services in a manner that honors the confidence placed in us by those we serve. Pharmacy services are provided by full-time registered pharmacists, complemented by dedicated, licensed pharmacy technicians. Those pharmacy services are offered during the daytime and telepharmacy services at night.

With advances in technology and breakthroughs in the development of pharmaceuticals, medication therapies have become increasingly complex in their application, delivery and monitoring. The responsibility of the Pharmacy begins with the purchase of the medication and continues through the pharmacological effect on the patient. These services include the procurement, storage, distribution, preparation, administration and monitoring of drug products, IV fluids, and nutritionals and their effects.

It is important to remember that each hospital's pharmacy is not a commercial pharmacy where consumers can have routine prescriptions filled. Our pharmacies provide medication for the needs of all the patients who visit the various departments of the hospital, whether they are receiving inpatient or outpatient services.

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